I could see how a girl with gumption like srey neth , unschooled and na ve , could yearn to get away .
Either you go for stability , which means getting someone low on gumption who is therefore happy to be in a backwater ; or you go for brighter people like the guy you are losing , in the knowledge that you won 't keep them long .
Suddenly , for those with the guts and the gumption , the canaries were no longer as far away or as difficult to find .
Just as america and britain now have to grapple with better ways to regulate financial services , so germany also faces hard questions , about the lopsided shape of its economy , the need for further painful change , and whether its political parties have the gumption to embrace reform .
Since she has indicated that she doesn 't believe despite her family 's evidence in a gene-based explanation of her longevity I ask if " just moving on " is part of the secret everyone assumes superagers must have . Can gumption trump decay even at 109 ?