Charles de gaulle once said that the graveyards are full of indispensable men .
According to the china funeral association 80 per cent of funeral homes in china and 50 per cent of graveyards are state-owned .
All those years of larry and his band dressing like zombies or vampires in black velvet and dragging dirty shrouds , stomping around graveyards all night wrapped in rosary necklaces and capes , all that effort wasted .
The st. james cemetery is one of three historic shearith israel graveyards located on lonely manhattan sidestreets ; the others are at 76 w.11th st. used from 1805-1829 and on west 21st street west of sixth avenue used from 1829 to 1851 .
Its authors , vishwath mohan and kevin hamlen of the university of texas at dallas , call their program " frankenstein " , after the fictional scientist who ( at least , in film versions of the story ) stitched together his monster out of body parts scavenged from graveyards and slaughterhouses .