flunkeys是什么意思,flunkeys怎么读 语音:
flunkeys 基本解释
n. 穿制服的仆役,谄媚者( flunkey的名词复数 )
flunkeys 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Dear scientists , please don 't laugh at me . Me thinks the world is very much in need of reform simply because of the presence of these flunkeys .
These flunkeys of the hostile foreign forces have now positioned themself completely opposite to the chinese people .
Because I was king , their lord . I would soon find that I was living among the despicable flunkeys , including my revered elders , teachers and friends , and that I was nothing but their chieftain .
In the process of this impact or remoulding , the western bourgeoisie , which needed compradors and flunkeys familiar with western customs , had to let countries like china open schools and send students abroad , and thus " new ideas were introduced " into china .
South korea might be gambling with millions of dollars of investment , but kim jong-il 's regime is risking ideological contamination by allowing 6000 of its people to come into daily contact with 500 " imperialist flunkeys " .