Firebombing inflicted mass civilian casualties and nearly wiped out cities .
He tried to get thugs to rough up anti-vietnam-war protesters , and dreamed of firebombing the liberal brookings institution to seize incriminating stuff inside .
This family firebombing attacks , the mother is also at home , but she fortunately escaped unharmed , but the hair and clothes caught fire .
According to the historian bruce cumings : " korea recapitulated the air force 's mantra from world war ii , that firebombing would erode enemy morale and end the war sooner . "
Unflattering cartoons of the prophet muhammad have led to death threats , riots , and most recently the firebombing this month of a satirical french weekly after it published an issue featuring islam 's founder as " guest editor " with the promise : " 100 lashes if you don 't die of laughter ! "