epri是什么意思,epri怎么读 语音:
epri 基本解释
[计]= Electric Power Research Institute,电力研究学会
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In a new insulation being developed by epri , nanoparticles sensitive to this shift heat up and melt surrounding polymer molecules , forming a fresh protective scar .
As today 's decrepit lines gradually go kaput ( about a quarter are already past their intended lifetime ) , epri hopes to replace them with these self-mending ones .
For example , a 2009 analysis by the electric power research institute ( epri ) , the industry 's research arm , looked at how much various approaches would contribute to carbon reduction by the year 2030 .
That 's what the electric power research institute ( epri ) , an industry r & d consortium , is aiming for with a new insulation material that 's embedded with vinylsilane-coated particles of silicon dioxide to give it 33 percent more insulating ability than existing line coatings .