entrenches是什么意思,entrenches怎么读 语音:
entrenches 基本解释
v. 用壕沟围绕或保护…( entrench的第三人称单数 );牢固地确立…
entrenches 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
But soccer , as we saw in cairo , can also be a destructive force that entrenches prejudice .
The voting system for both houses gives disproportionate weight to rural interests , which further entrenches the status quo .
For one , it entrenches discrimination in other areas , such as access to education and health care .
It also further entrenches democrats and republicans in their opposing positions and thus less able to deal with either problem , not to mention any of the various other catastrophes threatening the global economy .
To the bewilderment of those who admired her intransigence , by running for parliament she seems to have reneged on her principled opposition to participating in politics under the terms of a constitution , passed in 2008 , which , above all , entrenches the army in politics .