empresses是什么意思,empresses怎么读 语音:
英音  [emp'rɪsɪz] 
美音  [emp'rɪsɪz] 
empresses 基本解释
n. 女皇( empress的名词复数 );皇后
empresses 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
There 's a widespread awareness and concern about these little emperors and empresses as they 're called .
Owners of canine aristocrats proudly trace their animal 's descent back to the pharaohs , aztec kings , spanish conquistadors , chinese empresses and so forth .
Not only , at 2600 years , is japan 's easily the world 's oldest monarchy , but it also boasts an unbroken male lineage ( though eight women have over time stood in as caretaker empresses ) .
The countless teenage volunteers in particular , once taunted as china 's " little emperors , " " little empresses , " enlisted in the drive to make the games possible . During its progress , they have developed a stronger sense of social responsibility and more readiness to help others .
Several empresses virtually shared the exercise of the imperial authority , bore themselves as co-regents , and enjoyed more power than male co-regents ; but their power was de facto , not de jure .