dethroning是什么意思,dethroning怎么读 语音:
dethroning 基本解释
v. 废黜,废位赶出( dethrone的现在分词 )
dethroning 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Neither of these policies sound like they are intended to or capable of dethroning the u. s.dollar from its perch atop the global financial system .
Perhaps kobe would have a fair shot at dethroning jordan if it unfolded literally in front of our eyes .
China swelled with pride as their 51 titles at beijing put the u. s.tally of 36 in the shade , dethroning their powerful rivals who had reigned supreme since the collapse of the soviet union .
Even stern 's corrupt referees could do nothing to stop all the trapping ball hawking and physical play from dethroning the team of the " new jordan " and shaq .
Part musical biography , part homage , is an attempt to convert the rest of the world to his belief that mahler is the most influential symphonist of our age , dethroning beethoven .