davenport是什么意思,davenport怎么读 语音:
英音  ['dævnpɔ:t] 
美音  ['dævənˌpoʊrt] 
davenport 基本解释
n. <美>长椅,长沙发,<英>小型写字台;坐卧两用沙发
davenport 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Davenport
davenport 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
11the Quad cities river bandits and the peoria chiefs play a game april 20 inside modern woodmen park in davenport , iowa .
No power plant is proposed , but one could be operating in about 10 years , said doug perry , president and ceo of davenport newberry .
The davenport plant now employs some 2000 people , which is more than it had before the recession . Alcoa expects to hire about 80 more within the coming months .
A psychological operations officer in america 's army central command , major richard davenport , argued in the armed forces journal in 2009 that china was making use of sun tzu 's advice to wage cyber warfare against america .
Nancy davenport of the district of columbia public library ( dcpl ) wondered if , in the absence of a licensing agreement , she could as a consumer buy access to books dcpl sought for a special collection of local history .