consolidator是什么意思,consolidator怎么读 语音:
英音  [kən'sɒlɪdeɪtə] 
美音  [kən'sɒlɪdeɪtə] 
consolidator 基本解释
n. 并装业者,混载业者
consolidator 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Globodyne is a consolidator of media properties .
To the individual consignors , the consolidator is the carrier , while in his relationship with the actual carrier , he is the consignor .
While some have speculated that sony may play the role of consolidator to challenge the industry 's two heavyweights , mr. hirai said he believes that isn 't necessary .
" We are a content consolidator and with triple play , new markets and distribution channels for content will open up , " says zhang lijun , chairman of vodone , china 's largest video website .
But the offers from each of parkway 's two biggest shareholders envision different players -- one government-owned , another a private-sector industry leader -- grabbing the consolidator 's position .