conifers是什么意思,conifers怎么读 语音:
英音  ['kɒnɪfəz] 
美音  ['kɒnɪfəz] 
conifers 基本解释
n. 针叶树( conifer的名词复数 )
conifers 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The dark strands at top , looking like spanish moss , are in fact a stand of conifers .
The early scenes languish on the epic majesty of craggy peaks , electric storms , and endless horizons dotted with conifers . Searing life memories are made for jack and ennis .
Southern beech , rimu and kahikatea ( both tall conifers ) once covered more than 80 percent of new zealand , but the lowland forests are now less extensive .
But john disney , the council 's economic development director , said he had worked with mr. george on other projects before , including one to generate carbon credits by replacing alder forests on the islands with conifers .