conches是什么意思,conches怎么读 语音:
conches 基本解释
n. 贝壳,海螺壳( conch的名词复数 )
conches 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
We sleep like wine in the conches .
Some will no doubt flourish , but if the trend continues , as it will for at least some decades , clams , mussels , conches and all creatures that grow shells made of calcium carbonate will struggle .
The oil spill is turning vast expanses of the gulf into a dead zone , killing off the jellyfish , crabs and conches that are the staples of an adult diet .
In a ceremony for the winter solstice at the mountaintop monastery of rumtek itself , drums throb , horns and conches low mournfully , and monks led by a cleric in elaborate robes and a huge black hat consign an offering to the bonfire .