Roman colonnades are mixed with georgian windows , and so on . Jameson believes tha this schizophrenia comes about as a result of a refusal to think historically .
In a quadrangle of lahore 's elegant british-built high courts , beside a soothing fountain and surrounded by red-brick colonnades , some of these lawyers are on hunger-strike-or , more accurately , skipping lunch .
The filles de joie would wander freely with their clients under the colonnades of the palais royal .
The vaulted naves , over 30 meters ( 100 feet ) high , were lightened with windows and open colonnades and supported from the exterior with spidery flying buttresses , which gave the inside an ethereal beauty .
It consisted of a high central nave with two parallel aisles on either side separated by colonnades supporting the upper walls and lowpitched roof culminating in an apse and preceded by an atrium or forecourt ( fletcher 1963 ) .