cec是什么意思,cec怎么读 语音:
cec 基本解释
abbr. Canadian electrical code 加拿大电码
cec 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
In 2010 , according to data received in the search , illinois pension funds paid fees of $ 14000 to the fund on its remaining assets , including the cec investment .
Sharp , the japanese consumer electronics group , has signed a deal with china 's cec panda to transfer the equipment from one of its factories in japan to nanjing and is also talking to cec about building a fab locally .
Besides fat bandwidth , another benefit is control : the consumer electronics control ( cec ) profile already lets machines send commands to other products over hdmi-that or something like it could be very useful in the pc space , too .
The kmt says mr. ma regrets the unintentional facebook blunder and will fully comply with the cec 's request and that the party will gladly foot the bill for him .