Because brassica goes from seed to flower in just 14 days , it can complete its life cycle in a single lunar night .
Brussels sprouts - and other vegetables of the brassica family , including cabbage - release hydrogen sulfide as they cook , particularly when boiled for too long .
The studies on heat acclimation and heat tolerance in three species of brassica vegetable crops .
Rich in phyto-nutrients , this cool season leafy vegetable belongs to the " brassica " family of vegetables , which also include brussels sprouts , cauliflower , bok choy , kale , and broccoli .
Bok-choy or " chinese-cabbage " features similar appearance , but derived from different species of the same brassica genus vegetables . Bok-choy characteristically has a vigorous growth pattern . The whole plant has a long cylindrical shape , comprising of short , compact leaves .