You want to brainwash them with opiates for the masses and then take their stuff ?
In a country where party officials and tiger mothers compete to brainwash youth , he escaped both .
Brainwash is a history of the methods intended to destroy and reconstruct the minds of captives , to extract information , convert dissidents , and lead peaceful men to kill and be killed .
The lawsuit contends that these people , along with other domestic staff , allegedly conspired to isolate ms. posner from family members , proceeding to ' brainwash ' her into believing her son was out to kill her and only the staff could be trusted .
Since then she has largely stuck to her pacifist beliefs , giving writing seminars to war veterans to " help them think about what they 're doing , what 's going on in the world and what 's going on in their conscience " though she quickly adds that she 's not out to brainwash anyone .