blissfully是什么意思,blissfully怎么读 语音:
英音  ['blɪsfəlɪ] 
美音  ['blɪsfəlɪ] 
blissfully 基本解释
adv. 幸福地,充满喜悦地
blissfully 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Also blissfully ignored , he wrote , were the perils of relying on mathematical models devised without worst-case situations in mind .
Occasionally , this serves as a superpower I can take my glasses off in tedious meetings and drift away , as blissfully blind as if I had pulled my jumper over my head .
The public is blissfully unaware that these documents , which were once accessible only in dusty books inside the walls of the registry of deeds , are now freely available over the web to anyone in the world with a click of a mouse .