But in 1972 his paper , " a solution of the cosmological equations in scalar-tensor theory , with mass and blackbody radiation " , was condemned as " capitalist metaphysics " .
Stefan - boltzmaim law : a relationship between the temperature of a blackbody and the rate at which it radiates energy .
We had dinner at a japanese restaurant and then stayed up late , gabbing about , oh , you know , molecular beam epitaxy , blackbody radiation , and the topless tuesday pancake dinners she attended in her undergraduate days , at the university of virginia .
In this paper , the development history , concrete research content , developing direction , existing problems and so on of the blackbody source are introduced .
It introduces an optical fiber prepositional blackbody cavity 's thermometer . On the basis of analysing thermometer 's characteristics put forward a method of compensating evironmental temperature and sensor 's nonlinearity by using software .