barlow是什么意思,barlow怎么读 语音:
英音  ['bɑ:ləʊ] 
美音  ['bɑ:loʊ] 
barlow 基本解释
n. 巴洛刀(一种坚实而廉价的单面小折刀)
barlow 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Barlow
barlow 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
James barlow , who works in internet publishing , is the proud owner of a duffer of st george prince of wales check suit .
This view was expressed most clearly in the " declaration of the independence of cyberspace " issued by john perry barlow , an internet activist , in february 1996 .
Or , as john perry barlow of the electronic frontier foundation predicted last year : " we 're going back to the city-state . "
Chinese cinema is no different from american , british , french or other types of films , said barlow in his opening remarks at a cocktail party in santa monica , calif. where the deal was announced .
Ian barlow , london senior partner at kpmg , the professional services firm , said an open approach to immigration would allow businesses to continue filling their skills gaps from overseas .