Responsible for managing the construction fund and checking the construction appropriation periodically .
But the dickey-wicker amendment , applied originally to an appropriation bill passed in 1996 , and renewed each year since , bans federal funding of the destruction of human embryos for research .
As congress blithely ushers its trillion dollar " stimulus " package toward law and the u.s. treasury prepares to begin writing checks on this vast new appropriation , it might be wise to ask a simple question : who 's going to finance it ?
In 1797 , when congress voted to prepare the nation for war with france , including the appropriation of a large amount of funds for new weapons , the young inventor eli whitney -- already known for his invention of the cotton gin in 1794 -- seized an opportunity to try to make his fortune .
The financial appropriation expenditure on " three public " ( the funds for going abroad , vehicle purchase and operating cost , and official reception fee ) , which the central administrative unit , institutions and some other organizations used was 9.364 billion yuan totally .