approbates是什么意思,approbates怎么读 语音:
approbates 基本解释
v. 许可,认可,承认(approbate的第三人称单数形式)
approbates 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Loan applicant applies for loan of housing accumulation fund , must offer what the management center approbates to assure means .
Take above all good insurance policy , latest issue of the diagnostic certificate that makes the hospital that id of cost receipt , insurant , insurance company approbates issue and inspection report , application shifts to an earlier date to pay .
School work certificate is to show the school etc that approval is established or approbates via the country teachs an orgnaization , the gets pedagogue to issue proof document that provides school work to orgnaization of other perhaps education is registered formally and was being finished in this school , the form that uses letter tries account .