apparitor是什么意思,apparitor怎么读 语音:
英音  ['əpærɪtɔ:] 
美音  ['əpærɪtɔ:] 
apparitor 基本解释
n. 执行官,布告者,宫廷使者
apparitor 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Ford motor corporation breaks the presiding apparitor of old tradition to say , the answer depends on the education that the place before undertaking you did not see .
British oxford politics is mixed finance history teachs neal ferguson to think , " capital is talked " the author says so that do not have a fault about class struggle -- but what the crisis place of current capitalism involves is not boss and worker , however presiding apparitor and the person that be duped easily .
Intel is presiding keruige beiruite was in apparitor a few days ago point out on technical forum , although economy of current whole world still is in downturn , but the growth that the rapid dilate of internet and intellectual economy will continue to drive global economy .