anglicizing是什么意思,anglicizing怎么读 语音:
anglicizing 基本解释
v. (在风格等方面)使英国化( anglicize的现在分词 );使程序语言英语化
anglicizing 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Anglicizing
anglicizing 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
That 's like accusing america of americanizing washington , or the british of anglicizing london .
Anglicizing in the american political culture and its diplomacies .
This paper tries to seek their significance to china 's socialism market economic construction on the anglicizing the two rules .
This paper first reviewed the produce market competition and the capital structure relationship theory , then summarized the main content and model which these theories contains , established the preliminary frame for anglicizing capital structure and the produce market major effect factor .
By anglicizing varieties of trademark infringement in the cyberspace , this article has made deep research into the network trademark 's attributes and its protection . Furthermore , it has anglicized the measures of three-dimensional protections , and at the same time has emphasized on the important meaning of legislation of network trademark .