aire是什么意思,aire怎么读 语音:
aire 基本解释
n. 亚耳河(英国一河流)
[地名] [法国] 艾尔河
aire 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The aire pressure begins falling accordingly as a typhoon comes near .
The article used the methods of investigating , question aire , documents to study the present situation of implementing the new syllabus in gansu province .
Using the methods of investigating , question aire survey , documents this paper studied the new physical education curriculum standard , analysed its causes and proposed corresponding countermeasures .
Methods : 100 heroin addict s first undertaking drug detoxification were tested with coping scheme questionn aire and social support rating scale and correlation factors of different sex we re analyzed .
This work took him farther afield , where he encountered stranger tribes : " when I saw them first , " he writes of one group , " I thought they had beene borne with feathers on their heads and bodies , like fowles of the aire " .