agon是什么意思,agon怎么读 语音:
英音  ['ɒgɒn] 
美音  [ɑ:'goʊn] 
agon 基本解释
n. 斗争,有奖竞赛
agon 变化形式
复数: agones agons
易混淆的单词: Agon
agon 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
It entails acting as the chief executive 's " intellectual ping-pong player " and as what he calls the company " emissary " , visiting people and places mr agon does not have time to see .
Asked about his change of tack , mr agon said : " I thought that , in difficult times , people with high salaries should contribute , " but added that 75 per cent had " clearly not " been the level he had had in mind .
So acquisitions are on the agenda and , although mr agon is coy about targets , he says he wants to buy products that will create organic growth .
Jean-paul agon , chairman and chief executive , told the financial times : " if there is such a new tax rule , it 's going to be very , very difficult to attract talent to work in france , almost impossible at a certain level , of course . "