Another economic mess looms on the horizon-one with a great wrinkled visage .
In the 19th century , she fascinated spectators as part of a traveling circus , dancing and singing in clothes that showed off her hairy visage and limbs .
Travel the country and you 'll see the hong kong native 's handsome visage hawking electric bikes , anti-virus software , even frozen dumplings .
The waitress knew something was funny with the money : instead of the portly visage of ben franklin , it was the star of the $ 5 bill , abe lincoln , who was staring back at her .
But many of the sightseers at tiananmen on thursday afternoon were recent arrivals from the hinterlands - among millions of migrants who leave the countryside to flock to china 's cities this year - and they seemed to gaze upon mao 's visage with a sense of awe , not of irony .