The argument that the palestinians must resume negotiations before getting statehood is specious .
Instead he spoke of a fight against " political provocations which have only one aim : to destroy russian statehood and usurp power . "
Having consolidated enormous power in his hands , mr putin can afford some charitable and nostalgic words about the 1990s , incorporating that era into the history of building russian statehood .
Why it was a bad call : arafat , seen as the father of the palestinian struggle for statehood by his supporters and an unrepentant terrorist by his detractors , has a controversial legacy .
But provided that the palestinian request at the un , still unfiled as the economist went to press , does not undermine the basic terms of this deal , it is hard to see why any peacemaker , including america 's barack obama , should oppose a proposal that nudges palestine closer to real statehood ( see article ) .