One of the icy products this subgenre of antarctic gothic horror spawned is hp lovecraft 's novella , at the mountains of madness , in which scientists drill beneath antarctica 's ice - only to discover horrid things preserved there .
When the nobel award was announced , chinese television channels interrupted their programming to announce the news . Thousands of china 's microbloggers congratulated mr mo. a publisher under the ministry of education says it was already planning to include a mo yan novella in a school textbook .
Bradley k martin , in his book under the loving care of the fatherly leader , comes closer to the truth when he compares kim and his family to the troglodyte morlocks in hg wells 's novella the time machine , monstrous beings who live underground and feed on the eloi .
Midway through the novel , and comprising a fifth of the whole , is a self-contained novella , " the anthill chronicles " , which purports to be an undergraduate biology thesis by the protagonist of " anthill " , about the rise and fall of four ant colonies in a tract of forest in southern alabama .