Mauritian是什么意思,Mauritian怎么读 语音:
英音  [mə'rɪʃn] 
美音  [mɔ:'rɪʃn] 
Mauritian 基本解释
adj. 毛里求斯的;毛里求斯人的
n. 毛里求斯人
Mauritian 变化形式
复数: Mauritians
Mauritian 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The renminbi has since appreciated 15 per cent against the dollar , reducing the attractiveness of a mauritian contract .
Esquel is attracting more mauritian labour by establishing " satellite sewing facilities " near local communities and also recruiting more workers from nearby madagascar
The mauritian government is marketing itself heavily to both china and india , the world 's two fastest growing large economies , as the gatewayto eastern and southern africa .
But analysts see the mauritian project as different not least because the island does not have commodities and does not need cheap infrastructure deals .
The company 's chinese migrants receive a third of their salaries in us dollars , with the rest paid in mauritian rupees a salary structure that has provided , at least to date , a perfect hedge .