IPPR是什么意思,IPPR怎么读 语音:
IPPR 基本解释
abbr. image processing and pattern recognition 图像处理与模式识别;in-phase photoreflectance spectra 同相光反射谱;intermittent positive pressure respiration 间歇正压呼吸
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Ippr , another think-tank , estimates that 86 % of the government 's spending on big transport projects is in london .
Work by the institute for public policy research ( ippr ) , a think-tank , and pricewaterhousecoopers , a consultancy , suggests , however , that localism need not be so politically dangerous .
For one thing , some of the new european workers are here to stay : despite the recession , a third say they plan to remain for at least five years , the ippr found , perhaps because the polish economy has tanked too .
Wouldn 't it be more rational , as the ippr has argued , to include in net migration figures only those students who stay on to work , or who marry or form partnerships with residents ?
As sarah mulley , a senior fellow at the ippr , points out in her paper , since most migration is economic people are less likely to come and more likely to leave if jobs are scarce making unemployment among migrants less likely .