But the electoral command centre , where all results were being totted up , has been dismantled and ballot boxes taken away .
This doesn 't mean the hukou system will be swiftly dismantled : authorities fear that would trigger a nationwide flood of migrants into the biggest cities and raise the prospect of mass unrest .
Many rules put in place in the 1930s still look smart ; the problem is that over the past 15 years they were dismantled , or conscious decisions were made not to update them .
This approach would not be much of a national strategy ; besides , who is to say that many of those people won 't return to arizona when the economy improves or some of these excessively punitive laws are dismantled .
But in 1997 , the system was dismantled by a supreme court judgment arguing , in part , that the educated and privileged , far from deserving better treatment , should be doubly sanctioned because they of all people should know better .