abbr. data reduction interpreter 数据简化解释程序;drive 驾驶;data rate indicator 数据等级指示器;direct reduced iron 海绵铁
dri 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Invalid schema option specified for queued updating publication . Need to set the schema option to include dri constraints .
They even have a term so everyone knows who 's responsible for what : ' dri ' which stands for " directly responsible individual " .
An effective apple meeting will include an " action list , " and next to each action item is a " dri " - a directly responsible individual who must ensure the task is accomplished .
The institute of health 's dietary reference intake ( dri ) recommendations allow for a wide range of protein intake -- anywhere from 10 % to 35 % of total calories -- for normal , healthy adults .