clothespin是什么意思,clothespin怎么读 语音:
英音  ['kləʊzpɪn] 
美音  ['kloʊzˌpɪn] 
clothespin 基本解释
n. 晒衣绳上夹衣服之夹子
clothespin 变化形式
复数: clothespins
clothespin 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Miles is sitting on the ridge of the roof , his knees splayed on the shingles , like a human clothespin , staring at a speck on the southern horizon .
When infants 18 months old see an unrelated adult whose hands are full and who needs assistance opening a door or picking up a dropped clothespin , they will immediately help , michael tomasello writes in " why we cooperate , " a book published in october .