来自希伯来语Har Megiddon,即Mount of Megiddo.圣经中所描写的世界末日善恶大决战之 地。同时指布鲁斯.威利斯主演的同名电影《世界末日》。
Armageddon 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Remember those hysterical forecasts about a world hurtling towards economic armageddon .
This is definitely a sign of the armageddon .
Open access to research funded by taxpayers or charities need not mean armageddon for journal publishers .
In an interview with hard assets investor , mr roubini said there were only two scenarios that would see gold go much higher : inflation and armageddon .
It is not quite the armageddon that was being predicted in the weeks after lehman brothers became america 's biggest corporate bankruptcy last september .