ABM是什么意思,ABM怎么读 语音:
英音  [ˌeɪbi:'em] 
美音  [ˌeɪbi:'em] 
ABM 基本解释
abbr. AntiBallistic Missile 反弹道导弹
ABM 变化形式
易混淆的单词: abm
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Much would depend on whether america and russia could strike an abm preserving deal both could live with-and on what china did next .
In fact , scrapping the abm treaty , far from worsening america-russia rivalry , left the russians free to look more realistically to their own defences .
Mr putin has never liked america 's missile defence , but seemed to acquiesce when mr bush quit the anti-ballistic missile ( abm ) treaty in 2002 .
Following on from the anti-satellite ( asat ) test in 2007 , china tested what were believed to be two anti-ballistic missile ( abm ) interceptors during 2010 , and this was followed by a further test in september 2011 .
It is cross at america 's efforts to amend the anti-ballistic missile ( abm ) treaty to allow limited national defences against attack from roguish missiles , launched by a north korea or an iraq ; such defences could undercut china 's smallish nuclear deterrent too .