take place 发生,举行;来
take pleasure in 以…为乐,喜欢做…
take possession of 占领, 夺取;吞
take pride in 以…为傲
take refuge 避难,(以掩饰等手段
take shelter 安身;存身
take sides with 偏袒,拥护(某方面)
take steps 采取措施
take the place of 代替;抵换
take to 喜欢;习惯于…;开始
take turns 替换,轮流;轮换;更
take up 开始从事;接受(提议
talk about 讨论,谈论;考虑(做
talk away 不断地谈,在谈话中度
talk big 吹牛;放空炮;说大话
talk down 大声说话盖住(某人)
talk into 说服(某人)做(某事
talk of [法] 谈到,说到,
talk of the town [法] 街谈巷议
talk out of 劝服(某人)不做(某
talk over 说服,讨论,商量;商
talk round 说服,兜圈子谈
talk to 同(某人)谈话;责骂
talk up 热烈讨论,大声说话;
tall order 离谱的要求,苛求
tamper with 损害;篡改;贿赂;影
taste of 有某种味道,体验到
team up (使)结成一队,合作
tear apart 扯开;把…弄乱;使心
tear down 向······猛扑,
tear off 匆匆地脱掉(衣服),
tear up 撕成碎片;挖开(地面
tell apart 辨别,分别
tell from 辨别
tell off 责备,斥责;分派
tell on 告发;产生(坏的)影
ten to one 十之八九,很可能
thanks to 幸亏, 多亏, 由于
that is to say 即;就是;换句话说;
the last straw 终于使人不支的最后一
the other day 前几天;日前
they say 传述;传闻;据说;传
think about 考虑…;捉摸…;对…
think fit 宁愿
think highly of 尊重;重视;看得起;
think little of 不重视,不加思索
think of 考虑;想起;有…想法
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