sexologist是什么意思,sexologist怎么读 语音:
英音  [sek'sɒlədʒɪst] 
美音  [sek'sɒlədʒɪst] 
sexologist 基本解释
n. 性科学家
sexologist 变化形式
复数: sexologists
sexologist 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Which raises the question : just what goes on behind the doors of a certified sexologist ?
The mamasutra is a mother of two daughters , sexy mamas blogger , sex educator , and board certified sexologist .
" Sex is a great mode of exercise , " says patti britton , phd , a los angeles sexologist and president of the american association of sexuality educators and therapists .
However , sexologist peng strongly disagrees . " It is dangerous for teenagers to learn about sex on their own , " he says . " Without correct and proper guidance , it can lead to sexual crimes . "
Philippe brenot , a french psychiatrist , sexologist and president of the international observatory of couples published a 300 page report that includes statistics and anecdotes from french women about their sexuality .