hos是什么意思,hos怎么读 语音:
hos 基本解释
abbr. human operator simulator 人控模拟器
hos 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Determination of number and prices of hos units sold in coming year .
The housing authority has also sold some surplus hos flats to the government for use as departmental quarters for the disciplined services .
Affordability is the primary consideration in determining price for hos flats . Prices also have reference to the market value of comparable private sector developments in similar locations .
After the imposition of the moratorium on sales of hos flats , the hkha provided additional quota of 12000 hpls to be shared equally between green form and white form applicants .
Whether individual flats are available for sale in the hos secondary market scheme depends on the expiration of 2 years from the date of assignment of the relevant flats under the tenants purchase scheme .