flyby是什么意思,flyby怎么读 语音:
英音  ['flaɪbaɪ] 
美音  [ˈflaɪˌbaɪ] 
flyby 基本解释
n. 飞机或太空飞船的越过定点,飞越
flyby 变化形式
复数: flybys
flyby 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
The spacecraft will make one more flyby in the future and eventually settle into orbit around the planet in 2011 .
One hundred and fifteen elementary school students will be at jpl during the flyby .
Named for the impressionist painter , the 52 kilometer diameter crater is also shown in an inset context image from the mariner 10 flyby mission in the mid 1970s .
" The surprise is that it appears to be more volcanic than the moon , " zuber said at a press conference . " Very few people would have thought that before the first messenger flyby . "
Nasa officials say the second messenger encounter with mercury will follow up data gathered during messenger 's january flyby , during which scientists learned new details about an enormous impact crater , volcanic structures and lava fields .