crampons是什么意思,crampons怎么读 语音:
英音  [k'ræmpɒnz] 
美音  [k'ræmpɒnz] 
crampons 基本解释
n. 鞋底钉,铁钩,攀登用鞋底钉( crampon的名词复数 )
crampons 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Using " evolved " techniques for crampons and tools .
The most dangerous moment of his life-the moment after which , he said , he felt privileged to remain alive at all-saw him dangling on the 7000-foot vertical face of the north wall of the eiger , no crampons on his boots , with the surface continually melting in the sun and rocks cascading past him .
Over the next 50 years , c.a.m.p. went on to develop not only ice axes , but new items such as crampons , hammers , pitons and nuts .
Jessica hollister will never forget the crunching noise of axes and crampons digging into the ice as she scaled a frozen waterfall alongside mount everest regular conrad anker .