contrastively是什么意思,contrastively怎么读 语音:
英音  [kənt'rɑ:stɪvlɪ] 
美音  [kənt'rɑ:stɪvlɪ] 
contrastively 基本解释
adv. 对比地
contrastively 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Through analyzing survival rate and correlative growth indeice of nursery stocks , application effect of multiple tree species using solid water was contrastively studied .
In order to push the application of water-saving technology , this paper analyzes five kinds of water-saving technologies which used in public toilet in beijing contrastively .
The reducing property and some other key performances of both catalysts were analyzed contrastively , and the result of which has important guiding meaning for industrial methanol production of and evaluating the performances of methanol synthesis catalysts .
The paper contrastively analyzed the two concept of space of flows in the turned period from idea , valuation and design language , which hopes to make us have more levelheaded cognition on the spacial organization in the informational society .