clientage是什么意思,clientage怎么读 语音:
英音  ['klaɪəntɪdʒ] 
美音  ['klaɪəntɪdʒ] 
clientage 基本解释
n. 委托关系
clientage 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Societies retain their tribal structures based on extended family kinships and clientage .
With regard to the affirmance of the employment relation , the article distinguishes the employment relation from the contractor relation , the employment relation from the labor relation , the employment relation from the clientage ;
Article 10 while recommending clients for party b , party a shall express the clientage of recommending business between itself and party b , explain to clients the relationship of rights and obligations among party a , clients and party b , and inform the requirement of safe depositary of deposits of futures .