bankrolls是什么意思,bankrolls怎么读 语音:
bankrolls 基本解释
n. 资金( bankroll的名词复数 )
v. 提供资金( bankroll的第三人称单数 )
bankrolls 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Others insist that the company is owned by jews , or that it bankrolls israel .
If you want your food to taste really good , you need both the scientist 's expertise and the commercial system that bankrolls and legally protects dietary innovation .
Others with the deepest pockets find their way around the cap and scoop up two or three hallmark names , while teams with small bankrolls don 't have the power to attract the best talent .
To improve the developing of our company , we hope to bring in 25 million yuan adventure invest fund as stratagem investor increasing bankrolls enlarging stocks to our company .
For some players , this can be the beginning of a vicious cycle that feeds upon itself and , eventually , destroys their confidence along with their bankrolls .