bahadur是什么意思,bahadur怎么读 语音:
英音  [bəhɑ:'də] 
美音  [bəhɑ:'də] 
bahadur 基本解释
n. 阁下
bahadur 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Bahadur
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On june 28th mr bahadur 's men killed at least 23 soldiers in an ambush .
It will be hard to take out mr mehsud without the compliance of two rival militants , muhammad nazir and gul bahadur , who control access-routes to his fief .
But pakistan considers mr bahadur to be a " good taliban " , ie , one who has agreed to fight only in afghanistan , not on pakistani soil .
That may explain why mr nazir and mr bahadur seem happy to co-operate . If they believed the army meant to pick them off piecemeal , as it says it will , they would surely maintain their alliance with the mehsud taliban .