automatons是什么意思,automatons怎么读 语音:
英音  [ɔ:'tɒmətənz] 
美音  [ɔ:'tɒmətənz] 
automatons 基本解释
n. 自动机,机器人( automaton的名词复数 )
automatons 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Modern stockmarkets , with their lightning trades and endless reams of data , sometimes seem to be run by automatons , not people .
Now , the arrival of increasingly humanoid automatons in workplaces , in an era of high unemployment , is bound to provoke a reaction .
Ms chua does not want either of her daughters " to end up like one of those weird asian automatons who feel so much pressure from their parents that they kill themselves after coming in second on the national civil service exam " .
There are similar concerns about automatons designed to watch over the elderly .
But without wheels , most automatons are still painfully slow . The tiny athletes who took part in the world 's first robot marathon , in osaka , took more than two days to finish the course .