Moneta是什么意思,Moneta怎么读 语音:
Moneta 基本解释
莫内塔(Ernesto Teodor,1833-1918,意大利记者、和平主义者,曾获1907年诺贝尔和平奖)
Moneta 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
Andrea moneta of aviva , a large insurer , says demand for its savings products has increased as consumers have become averse to taking investment risks themselves .
And remember anouk aimee her dark glasses concealing a black eye ; the practical commonsensical adriana moneta as the streetwalker ; alan dijon as the satanic ringleader at the nightclub ; and always mastroianni his eyes squinting against a headache or a deeper ache of the soul .