Hoarseness是什么意思,Hoarseness怎么读 语音:
英音  [hɔ:snəs] 
美音  [hɔ:snəs] 
Hoarseness 基本解释
n. 嘶哑,刺耳;声嘶
Hoarseness 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
If acid gets into your trachea , it causes asthma like symptoms and hoarseness .
The author , dr. jamie koufman , who specializes in voice disorders and laryngopharyngeal reflux ( the kind associated with hoarseness ) , advocates a low-acid diet in her new book , " dropping acid : the reflux diet cookbook & cure . "
This year , a small study found that restricting dietary acid could relieve reflux symptoms like coughing and hoarseness in patients who had not been helped by drug therapy , according to the journal annals of otology , rhinology & laryngology .
Persistent stuttering and vocal-quality problems such as hoarseness , breathiness , or raspiness may require a medical evaluation by an otolaryngologist ( an ear , nose , and throat specialist ) .