Henning是什么意思,Henning怎么读 语音:
Henning 基本解释
[人名] [苏格兰人姓氏] 亨宁语源不详;[地名] [美国、南非共和国] 亨宁
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Henning hues , a researcher at the georg eckert institute , has studied south african textbooks and teaching .
Henning wehn , who styles himself as " german comedy ambassador to the uk " , tells jokes about mutual stereotypes while wearing a stopwatch on stage to reflect german punctiliousness .
In 1988 he applied for a job at allianz and , after a stint in a regional office in hamburg , came to the attention of henning schulte-noelle , his predecessor as chief executive .
But since the firm expects only 3.9 gigawatts of global installations , ' almost one out of every two panels produced in 2009 will not be installed but stored in inventory , ' said henning wicht , principal solar analyst at isuppli .
Access to a skilled workforce is crucial , but europe 's labour rules can be an issue : sap chief executive henning kagermann complains that " europe 's labour market regulation is designed for steel and coal , not for high-technology it companies . "