pull up (使)停下(住);责
pure and simple 纯粹地,十足地
push around 把…推来推去,摆布
push about <非正>
push ahead 向前推;坚持下去;
push along <口>离
push for 急切、强烈地要求,
push forward 奋力向前,推进;迫使
push off <非正>
push on 继续向前, 坚决进行
push through (使)穿过;努力完成
push up 推上去,增高,提高;
put about 宣称;散布;(使)烦
put across 把…横置于…上;把…
put an end to 结束,终止;杜绝;消
put aside 撇开,储备;扔下;积
put away 收起来; 放好;储存
put back 放回原处;拨回,向后
put by 储存,存放在一边
put down 放下;记下;估计;平
put forth 放出;发表;颁布;提
put forward 提出;将…提前;向前
put heads together 集思广益,共同商量;
put in 做;(使)在内;在…
put in mind of 提醒,使想起
put into effect 实行;实施;使生效;
put into practice 实施,实行
put it on 装腔作势;夸大;夸张
put off 敷衍;使分心;延期;
put on 增加;装(船、火车、
put on airs 装腔作势,摆架子;态
put out 生产;伸出;出版;扑
put out of the way 让开,避开
put over 把…讲清楚;推迟;成
put right 恢复正常,纠正,改正
put through 实行;完成;使经历;
put to 使(某人)进入[处于
put to sea 破浪而出
put together 组成整体;综;缀合;
put up 举起;张贴;建造;提
put up with 忍受,容忍;容受;忍
puzzle out 推测出
puzzle over 苦苦思考
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