advance on 向(某地)推进[进逼
advance upon 向(某地)推进[进逼
advise about 就(某事或做某事)向
advise of 向(某人)告知[提醒
advise on 就(某事或做某事)向
after a fashion 勉强,不很好
after all 毕竟;究竟;归根结底
agree on 对某事[物]有同样看
agree to 同意, 赞成, 同意
agree upon 对某事[物]有同样看
agree with 与某人[观点]一致,
aim at (以…)瞄准;针对;
aim for 计划, 打算
alive to 注意到…,对…敏感
all alone 独立地;孤零零;索;
all along 自始至终;向来;向;
all at once 突然;同时
all but 几乎, 差不多;除了
all ears 全神贯注地听
all eyes 目不转睛
all in 疲乏到极点
all in all 总的来说,大体而言;
all of a sudden 突然地,突如其来地,
all round 周围,四处;周遍;四
all the more 更加;格外;益;愈加
all the same 尽管如此, 仍然
allow for 考虑到; 体谅;允许
allow of 容许, 允许
allude to 暗示;暗射;影射
amazed at 吃惊于…
amount to 共计;意味着;发展成
answer back <非正>
answer for 符合(…需要);对…
answer to 适应, 符合;有责任
anxious about 为…担心;对…着急
anxious for 渴望;焦盼
anything but 除…之外任何事(物)
apart from 脱离;除此之外(表示
appeal to 诉诸武力;向…投诉;
apply for 申请;声请
apply to 适用于;运用;致力于
approve of 赞成,赞同
argue about 争论,辩论
argue against 不赞成,认为不该做
argue away 辩解,不停地争论
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